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Today Cosplay

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Recruiting Officers!

Hey everyone, well over the past new years break I passed along to the idea to Kira and Sheik the possibility of starting an alliance for all foreign cosplayers in Japan. So here in the official recruiting thread!

The Alliance needs some officers so this recruitment will be for founding officer members!

The purpose of the alliance is to unify cosplayers around the world and to also provide information to Japanese cosplayers about foreign cosplay events and likewise, give foreigners information on Japanese and world cosplay events. Basically a big conglomerate of cosplay activities that we can share with everyone. I am hoping that with some help we can also translate the pages into Japanese so that more people here at home can enjoy it too =)

I am still working out the details here but so far here are some rules I think we should follow:

[i]1) That you love cosplay of course and that YOU ARE A COSPLAYER. (we do need a photographer so I will exempt anyone with photography skills from this stipulation if you want to join. I will also consider people with crucial skills)

2) That you desire to cosplay with other nationalities.

3) that you are willing to review events and give your opinion of them in small articles

4)willing to submit some photos of said events hopefully with a review or small article about the event.

5) Willing to give information about future events that or you can write informational articles about it so others can know of it.

You can be any nationality and come from any part of the world, this alliance is open to all! I would also like to start a blog with event information and cosplay rules here in Japan that is bilingual since no one seems to know this section of exists....(kira I would like your assistance on this) I would like the blog to have reviews for events we go to, updates, funny photos, ect.

Hopefully we can get other cosplayer from around the world to share their experiences with us too.

If this goes through and I get enough people interested (ideally I would like to have atleast 4 or 5 members and maybe some alternates since a few of us are returning to the homeland for a while...)

WE NEED A LOGO!!!!Can anyone think of a good logo?

If I can pull this all together we will do some sort of promotion at comiket. I am not sure what yet...but something!

For yourself: I would like all members to go by their cosplayer names and we should each make a custom profile for ourselves and also what your function is within the alliance. Since this is fashioned off a military-esque group we should have rankings of some sort.

EXAMPLE PROFILE: (you can make up everything if you are uncomfortable sharing personal info about yourself)

Name: Celeste
Age: 27
Birthday: 9/9/1983
Height: 165 cm
Position: Material Replications officer
Favorite food: Ice cream and chocolate...oh wait does that count as food?
Favorite Manga: Le Chevalier Deon
Favorite Anime: Vampire Hunter D
Favorite Video Game: Final Fantasy 7
Favorite Color: Purple

About me: I have been sewing costume for and involved in Cosplay for 8 years. I love a good challenge and will stop at nothing to achieve my goals. Sometimes i get accused of being over tenacious but that`s because no one can see exactly whats going on in my head!
I love spending time with my husband and playing with my two pet cats and brainstorming ideas for new projects....and fantasizing about white haired bishonen guys *caugh, sephiroth, cough*

With that all being said, post if you are interested or if you have any ideas!

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