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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Comiket 79 Review!

Review by Officer Celeste.

So as you all know I just recently got back from Comiket 79 which is Tokyo`s big twice a year comic market convention that happens at tokyo big site. Most of the stuff that gets sold there is Doujinshi which are fan made small sub comics usually featuring characters from a famous series (and sometimes not so famous). Usually doujinshi is meant as story fillers or sub side stories and sometimes...okay well ALOT of times about coupling characters into XXX type situations.

There is a great number of gay porn that is sold there too featuring series characters as well as just porn in general. In fact day 3 is dedicated just for porn lol so you can imagine that the fan base that day consists of mostly men =P

So any doodly how, this is my 3rd comiket and 2nd time cosplaying at the event. Comiket is fun IF you know the ins and outs and how to get around, its so easy to get lost in the place and since it caters to roughly 1 million people in 3 days you can imagine how crowded it gets. The cosplay area is always crowded and you are lucky to get a spot to stand let alone walk around and take photos.

This year I cosplayed Maetel from Galaxy express 999
Alice from Are you alice?
and Sebastian from black butler

the first day I went as maetel and had a blast, the costume is so warm so I had no trouble coping with the cold weather and my friend Ayako cosplayed the black version of my character so needless to say we attracted alot of attention =)
In fact we had a few newspaper people come talk to us and interview us as well as staff members from comiket so it was a humbling experience.

The second day was the roughest for me, I had to cosplay a man and my skin was so bad and dry that i looked like 20 years older than I really am, skin was cracking and it made it look like I had wrinkles not to mention the bad under eye circles i got from no was still fun though to hang out with friends but I really felt like shit that day.

day 3 got better since I was able to wear a longer wig I could hide my face a bit plus I made sure to slather moisturizer on my face before hand so i did not have the wrinkle problem again. I was able to meet one of my favorite cosplayers and exchange cards with him but I was very surprised by how short and skinny he was in real life. I tried to to talk to him but my japanese is poor and his english is non existant so eisuke had to translate for me. Anyway i wrote him a thank you email afterwards in Japanese but I have yet to recieve a reply from him so I am a bit upset....because i wrote everyone i met a email and thanked them for being nice and accepting of the obviously out of place gaijin. I guess he is mad because I did not buy a photo book/cd from him. I would have but I had no money =(.....if thats the case then I am taking him off my friends list because thats pretty shallow.

Anyway, I was able to make friend with two girls from guatamala who live in Japan! They made a very cute ciel and sebastian couple =D I will cosplay with them again next month for Wonder Festival.

There were so many cosplayers there that there is just no way in heck to get all their photos, myself and the other of UCA have striven to take as many as we could whilst cosplaying ourselves but this is only a fraction of how many cosplayers were in the area. I have choosen some of my favorites to display on this blog but if you want to see all of them please go to my photobucket account here:

Until our next event, cheers!

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